Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I place a reservation?

A: Please book an appointment to speak with us directly.

Q: Do I need to sign any waivers?

A: Yes, you will be required to sign a Standard Usage Agreement & Liability Waiver via DocuSign in order to purchase our services. You will also be signing a standard contract containg typical terms and conditions.

Q: Iā€™m graduating soon, can I book your car for my prom?

A: Yes, we accept reservations for proms in addition to weddings.

Q: Are any beverages or food permitted in the vehicle? How about smoking?

A: Complimentary water will be provided for all of our service packages and may be consumed within the vehicle. Although the Premium and Elite Services for weddings include champagne or wine, these beverages may NOT be opened and/or consumed in the vehicle. NO EXCEPTIONS. Smoking is strictly prohibited.

Q: Is the car available 24/7?

A: No, we are unable to offer our services before sunrise or after sunset as the original 6 volt electrical system does not provide enough power to the headlights, leading to inadequate illumination. This policy is for your safety and is not subject to negotiation. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Q: How many people can fit in the car?

A: We are able to accomodate up to four individuals; one up front and three in the back.

Q: How does payment work?

A: Our company uses PayPal. You will be required to pay a $200 non-refundable deposit upon signing the contract. The final invoice will be sent to you once the total rented time has been determined at the conclusion of the event. Final payment will be due within 30 days.

Q: Who drives the car, me or you?

A: Sorry, only we get to drive!

Q: Am I renting the car, or the driver?

A: Ultimately, you are renting the services of the driver and not the actual car. Our car just happens to be a show-stopping 1950 Packard Super Eight touring sedan!